Definition of Dystopian Fiction

Dystopian Fiction is sci fi that deals with an undesireable futuristic world for human beings. A Dystopian society is characterized by extreme human misery, squalor, oppression, disease, etc. Post apocalyptic wastelands, viral and bacterial pandemic, zombies, and totalitarian regimes are recurring themes in dystopian science fiction. Dark Future Fiction is a comprehensive directory that offers reviews of all media of a dystopian sci fi nature; it includes novels, films, and television media.

November 25, 2009


The year 2012 is when the Mayans predicted the world will be destroyed; the disastrous events in the film 2012 are based on that Mayan prediction.

I saw 2012 recently, and I thought it was a mediocre film. 2012 can be seen as dystopian because it deals with a frightening future where human beings will have to fight for survival. Unfortunately, that was about the only dystopian aspect of the film. 2012 was heavy on the apocalyptic side, but it probably would have been much better if it would have focused more on a dystopian storyline. To be fair, my fondness for dystopia makes it sometimes harder to be objective.....but I do really believe that 2012 would have been better if the story began with the "launch" of the arcs (no spoilers here), what do you think?

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