Definition of Dystopian Fiction

Dystopian Fiction is sci fi that deals with an undesireable futuristic world for human beings. A Dystopian society is characterized by extreme human misery, squalor, oppression, disease, etc. Post apocalyptic wastelands, viral and bacterial pandemic, zombies, and totalitarian regimes are recurring themes in dystopian science fiction. Dark Future Fiction is a comprehensive directory that offers reviews of all media of a dystopian sci fi nature; it includes novels, films, and television media.

April 02, 2009

"Things to Come" (1936) Film

"The Shape of Things to Come" was adapted into a screenplay titled "Things to Come." The film was released in 1936, and it starred Raymond Massey & Sir Cedrick Hardwicke. Luckily for us, "Things to Come" has since fallen into the public domain. Of Course, the film is in good old black and white, and of poor quality (1936, c'mon now), but it is very watchable - if you oppose such things you should give it a try, the story is worth the effort. "Things to Come" can be viewed right here in its entirety on this post - click the play button below:

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